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Sie sind hier: « Pet-Business International « Tschechien « Medien und Werbung « 

Two thirds of czech customers read promotional leaflets and do shopping accordingly

Promotional leaflets are powerful means of communication of retail chains. Two thirds of consumers read the promotional leaflets either for information only or with the purpose of planning the shopping.

9 % of households use the leaflets regularly for planning their shopping, 37 % regularly choose the best buy and 30 % sometimes buy some of the promoted products. According to consumer survey SUPERMARKET & DISKONT 2005, realized by INCOMA Research and GfK Praha.

The shoppers, who get leaflets of a particular chain, evaluated the price level of the products promoted in the leaflet. The respondents evaluated the price level on a five-points scale, where 1 means that they are very satisfied with the price level of the promoted goods, 5 means completely dissatisfied. According to customers, the price level of the goods is the most favourable in promotional leaflets of hypermarket and discount chains. The best evaluated was a promotional leaflet of Kaufland (mark 1,83) and Globus (mark 1,88). Lidl and Tesco hypermarket rank behind them with the average mark 1,95 and Carrefour and Plus Diskont share the fifth position with the mark 1,96.

Good measure of success of a given retail chain is a share of Czech shoppers who have visited the chain at least once in the last half year (so called "active awareness of the chain”). The most visited chain is Kaufland, where nearly half of Czech households did shopping there. It is obvious that higher values of active awareness experience those chains with extensive retail network, however this is not sufficient in itself. The attendance is influenced by overall result of marketing activities of the chain including promotional leaflets and customers’ evaluation. Discount chains Lidl and Penny market have been visited by 37 % of customers in the last six months. 36 % of consumers have personal experience with shopping in Hypernova outlets. Albert is the most visited supermarket with 32 % of customers shopping there.

Majority of customers visit the store repeatedly and what concerns most is, how many times a year "an average customer” visits the store. Generally, frequent purchases mean that customer buys less goods at once there, however every visit is the opportunity to address the customer. For example, Jednota outlets are in average visited by 71 times a year, which accounts for one to two visits per week. Once a week realize their purchase customers in outlets of supermarket Albert (51 visits per year). Relatively high frequency of attendance show also discount chain Plus Diskont, supermarket Delvita and hypermarket Kaufland.

(Source: DISKONT & SUPERMARKET 2005, INCOMA Research + GfK Praha)

Link: INCOMA Research

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